
What is MuleSoft Anypoint Platform

October 36, 2023 | 3 mins read
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The finest option for creating, implementing, safeguarding, and maintaining your APIs and integrations is MuleSoft Anypoint Platform. The MuleSoft’s Anypoint Platform is a unified, single solution for iPaaS and a full life-cycle API management.
Anypoint Platform consists of the following major components are:
  • Anypoint Design center,
  • Anypoint Management center,
  • Anypoint Exchange,
  • Runtime Manager,
  • API Governance,
  • Anypoint Secrets Manager.

What is Design Center in MuleSoft Anypoint platform?

A web-based tool called API Designer is included in the Anypoint Design Center, which is used by MuleSoft developers to design and create split API specifications.These are the API fragments or specifications you have. is prepared and distributed to the entire group. In order to get approval and conduct testing, you can publish it to Anypoint Exchange.

This diagram illustrates the relationship between design tools and other MuleSoft products (source: MuleSoft’s documentation).

What MuleSoft is Anypoint Exchange?

MuleSoft Anypoint Exchange functions similarly to an API Sunday market. MuleSoft Exchange, a sizable central market, and smaller, organization-hosted internal marketplaces are also available. This is the initial location to look for integration assets and where you submit your API specification or fragment. To save time and work on your application, you can find a variety of templates, connections, and pieces that you can reuse.

Anypoint Management center

The Management Center serves as the operational center for overseeing, analyzing, and auditing the performance of APIs. There are three parts to it.
  • You may deploy, administer, and keep an eye on the performance of apps with Runtime Manager.
  • The API Manager is a crucial component that makes it possible to apply security policies to regulate access and unlock data over API gateways.
  • Analytics offers performance measurements and visibility into API traffic.

Runtime Manager

The Anypoint Platform Leaving the Site interface that offers a unified view of your servers, applications, and APIs is called Anypoint Runtime Manager.

Whether your Mule apps are deployed in the cloud or on-premises, Runtime Manager allows you to deploy, manage, and watch over them from a single, central location in a sandbox, staging, or production environment.

Runtime Manager works on several scenarios,

  • CloudHub
  • Hybrid
  • Anypoint Platform Private Cloud Edition
  • Anypoint Runtime Frabic

API Governance

As part of the API lifecycle, you can apply governance rules to your APIs using Anypoint API Governance, a component of Anypoint Platform.

Anypoint API Governance allows you to:

  • Boost the quality of your organization’s API
  • Distribute and uphold best practices for governance
  • Follow uniform guidelines from the time of design until deployment
  • Implement governance in your DevOps company

Secrets Manager:

To store and manage access to private keys, passwords, certificates, and other secrets, Anypoint Security secrets manager makes use of secure vault technology.

The purpose of secrets manager is to maintain and store secrets for Anypoint Platform services that are supported. It’s not a general-purpose hidden storage facility. The secrets are accessible only to trusted services within Anypoint Platform.

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